Thursday, May 20, 2010

Choking on the Bone

Do you ever feel like you are about to be swallowed whole by your fear? Well, that's how I've been feeling for quite some time. And so I've done what I do best, ignore it. Well, at least I thought I was good at ignoring it. But blast it all, "it" wouldn't go away like I hoped it would. And now that I've admitted 'it' I guess there's really only one thing to do (apart from continuing this fruitless ignoring crap). Take a step forward and hope that when I fall (cause I will!) it won't hurt TOO badly. My one saving grace in all of this self-doubt/fear, etc: Matt. At least HE has faith in me and while I may not have it in myself, at least I'll have him to hold my hand.


Stacee said...

made no sense to me....but best of luck to you in whatever you are dealing with.

merathon said...

this is a little too cryptic for me-- what's going on?

Nicole said...

We need to talk! I want to be there for you and this leaves me wondering what I can do. Please call or email me.

Lyndsey said...

agggghhhhhhh what is it?? are you pregnant? moving? what??? it is killing me! :)

Nicole said...

I had to reread this after your wrote me. What is the "it". You say you don't know but I don't know if this sounds like you don't know.