Monday, February 1, 2010

Sheepish, Stupid, & Shallow = Irony

So I'm feeling a bit sheepish. I don't think I'm the shallow/arrogant type, but then I find myself talking about really stupidly shallow things with people over and over and I wonder if they view me that way and if that's all they think I want to talk about.

I know that I like stupid and shallow things, but I hope that people don't define me by that. I truly hope that they can see past my stupidity and get to what's really me. But then again, maybe they see that shallow/stupid layer and say, WHOA! REVERSE! all the while thinking, "Really?? Is that it?!"

So here's me, sending my stupid/shallow insecurity into the void hoping that I won't wake up feeling this way tomorrow.

Here's the ironic part: I blog about how selfish people see me. Isn't that in itself, selfish & shallow?! ...Crap.


Unknown said...

Haha, you crack me up. I will admit when I first met you I was cautious. But....shallow people don't care too much about others. You care too much sometimes. That is what makes you a good friend and not the least bit shallow in my view.

Marby said...

Good morning, Amber. I hope you are feeling better this morning! I like you just the way you are & I don't think you are selfish (or stupid).

Wendy said...

I have never thought of you as shallow, selfish or stupid. Of course there was that time I nearly convinced you that storing your canned goods upside down would cause them to go bad - but we'll just forget about that :)

One thing I always admired in you is how much you cared about others. You were friends with everybody and they knew you truly cared about them. I can't imagine that you have changed in ten years. Just know that this friend thinks you're AWESOME!!!

Jenny said...

First of all, let me just tell you that ALL art forms, regardless of whether someone thinks they're "shallow" are valid--all creativity takes great effort and talent. Its really more a matter of what people prefer, and how can you judge someone for their likes/dislikes? I always get irritated at people who act pretensious when someone likes something mainstream---just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean it isn't valuable! Now you know I'm not necessarily a lover of everything mainstream---far from it. But that doesn't make the people who do somehow less worthy just because they appreciate something I don't. All people think/feel/are moved in different ways, and thank heavens that there are enough artists out there to keep us all sated.

One of my favorite quotes is oddly enough from that movie "Ratatouille." It goes "In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgement. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face is that, in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so."

AND at the risk of being wordy (too late), I just want to tell you that most people think you're pretty awesome. You have lots of skills and attributes that are important and orignal. The problem with people like YOU and ME are that we're forever comparing ourselves with other people, and selling ourselves short. So let's just make a pact to stop it, okay? (P.S. If you happen to find out HOW to stop it, could you let me know?)

Emm said...

No A, I don't find you in any way shape or form stupid and/or shallow. Just sometimes really humorous and human :)

elshmobelsh said...

K- you wrote this over a month ago, but I'm commenting anyway.

Amber Cowleys are like onions. :)First of all anyone who knows you knows what a great loyal, friendly, caring person you are. When everything is added up- what really matters? Well- out side of gosple principles, it's how we treat people. You are so genuinely friendly and outgoing. Always there making the new girl feel welcome and helping someone feel like they have a friend.

I think people see your outside layer as someone who likes to have FUN and people like to be around you because you are so fun. If fun = shallow then whoever is judging needs to have a little more fun in their life. :)

There you go. That's my two bits. Thanks for being my friend. If you had not been here when we moved to Texas, I would have packed up my little bags and moved on. Well- okay, maybe not. But you sure made the journey a million times more enjoyable! Thanks girl!