Monday, June 15, 2009

Has it really been a month!?!?!

Ok, so school's been out for T for a month now. Two weeks (well, 10 days) for B - and already I'm excited to go school shopping and ship them back... Nah, its been a really fun time so far, I just need to have the patience for the...

Mom! Mom! Mom! Mooom! Moooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!! What are we going to do today, Mom? Mooom, I'm bored! I didn't make that mess, He did! When are we going to go to the ...??? I'm hungry! Is it ok if I have some more gum? Moooom! Why do I have to clean that up? I didn't do that TODAY!! Mooooooooom!!!!! How LONG is this going to take!?? Moom!!! He hit me! I did not! She kicked me first!!! Wellllll, he told me to! I DID NOT! MOOOOOOM!

And so on and so forth...

Bless me Father to make it through the summer without killing my children!


Breanna said...

My friend was given this thought by her mission president: Full hands now, Full hearts later. Oh, and Talia can't have anymore gum ever... remember? She got banned from it when we were there in March. :)

KatieC said...

Hee hee. This brings back memories of my own childhood. Good Luck!